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Betcha Didn't Know Beaumont Was This Interesting...

Maybe I'll take advantage of it this time -- our annual tax-free weekend!

For you people who aren't blessed to be born in Texas, for three days every year (before school starts), clothing items and accessories are 8.25% cheaper.  Those three days begin today.

It never fails -- for some reason, I haven't taken advantage of it in years.  Not only do you save tax, but retailers have huge sales.  Maybe I'll stop by the mall after class.

One thing's confirmed, though: I'll likely have a mall to shop in.  Our latest threat from Mother Nature has weakened to a tropical depression.

Before Rita, I was excited about the possibility of leaving town for a few days while we wait for the storm to pass.  Unfortunately, the storm did a bit more than that, but this year, I'm graduating.  I don't need a hurricane to push back my opportunity to get out of this fine institution.

And have you noticed the date?  It's August 4, 2006 -- three days after the Beaumont smoking ban.  People are still trying to get it lifted, but it's not going anywhere. 

Catch up with the world, smokers!  Put the cig down!

"But why didn't we get to vote on it?" becomes the main gripe.

Apparently, the City Council is treating this like a helmet law (even though Texas doesn't have one) or some other law on public safety.  The difference is that bikers who don't wear helmets are their own worst enemy.  Non-smokers can't control the actions of others.

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