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New Places...

My wife is helping with a fashion show tonight, meaning I get to come long.

Don't get the wrong idea - I love supporting my wife.

The place is called Cervantes, and we're at "The Mixed Bag Festival," and the fashion show features Earth concepts, basically meaning it's advocating 'going green.'

There's a girl on stage wearing a dress, covered by the plastic that holds a six-pack together. Lots of them.

To describe the ambiance, wearing the plastic doesn't seem out of place.

Videos are being played showing how we're destroying the Earth with fuels, and wasting energy... blah, blah, blah.

That's not my fight.

Now there's a guy breakdancing in the middle of the floor.

I can't make this shit up.

But honestly, it's a good cause. Good music and people having fun aren't bad.

Plus my wife loves the fashion show.

It's just a different. I'm learning to be comfortable around "different."

Isn't that one of the many reasons I moved to Denver?

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You are such a loving husband.. who is so bored you are blogging from your phone.. nice. Cervantes isn't a bad place. Have fun and take some pictures. I wanna see some plastic girls..

Was there any breakdance fighting? A walk-off? Anything?

Give me something to work with.

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