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Give Us Your Poor, Your Tired... How'd We Get Your Stupid??

Recently, I've run into a moral dilemma that has manifested itself into several conversations as of late.  Maybe 'moral' is a bit much, but I'm still at a crossroad.

Is it our job, as people of a civilized society, to destupidify the world?

Here's the story:

While bartending at work, a server orders a cappuccino.  I make it and place it on the bartop, waiting for her to retrieve it.  As she comes to the bar, she looks over at our storage container for cappuccino spoons (which is empty) and asks, "no spoons?"

I've got several roads to take -- I didn't take the high road.

My reply was sarcastic and condescending, "Is it empty?  Clearly we're out!  Go look in the back!  Why would you ask that question when there's an obvious answer in front of your face?  Quit being lazy and go find one!"

Two guys overheard my comments and politely let me know that was not the most appropriate way to talk to a person.  They're right.  I later apologized -- and I meant it. 

Even though I understand I was wrong for speaking to her in such a manner, the point is still clearly there:  if there's an obvious answer in front of your face, why is a question necessary?

Is society doing itself a favor by not telling the mother of an out-of-control child to discipline that heathen?

What about the two women at the grocery store who are holding up traffic by their shopping carts because they haven't seen one another since high school? 

What about the person who has the drug problem?  Or the drinking problem?  What about domestic abuse? 

Are we supposed to step in? 

I know I'm extending this from simply asking a dumb question to beating your wife, but maybe dumb questions offend me more than most people. 

I should have been more polite -- I know that.  It goes back to the golden rule of treating people the way you want to be treated; but then again, if I ask a dumb question, I expect a dumb answer. 

The world would be so much better if stupid people didn't breed.  I guess they're too dumb to wear condoms.

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