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My Mind At Work...

There's a lot of events happening in the next couple weeks!  I'm excited!

  • Italy is my pick to win the World Cup.  Everyone thinks I'm crazy. We'll see!  I just pray someone beats the French.
  • A lot of you have taken your summer vacation to the lake, or to float down the river, even California and Florida.  On July 6th, I take mine to Mitchell, South Dakota.  Rebecca's best friend is getting married and she's a bride's maid, it's just the Dakota's weren't my idea of a summer getaway.  Ah, the things we do for love.
  • I really am looking forward to the wedding, getting to meet more of Rebecca's friends, seeing where she grew up, and hanging out with her parents again. 
  • Oh by the way, did I mention that after the wedding, the reception is going to be at the Moose Lodge?  And the yankees make fun of us rednecks. 
  • Another semester is about to be in the books!  Soon, a December graduation.  Merry Christmas to me!
  • Lance Berkman was the only Astros selected to the 2006 National League All-Star team.  It would have been nice to have Biggio there.
  • Maybe I'll watch more of MLS.  The World Cup's been pretty entertaining.  Since the United States is the only country in the world who doesn't give a damn, we might want to pay a bit more attention.
  • So I'm an American, right?  Isn't Mexico part of America?  And isn't Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama, and Puerto Rico, as well?  I bet people don't realize this when they say "I'm proud to be an American."  Instead of an American, should I be a United Statesman?  Forget it -- just call me a Texan, bitches!
  • About profiling, I hate the term African-American.  Someone born within the borders of the United States, who calls the U.S. their home, is not a ____-American.  They're simply an American!  Why can't they just be black?  Or better yet, why must we label people at all?  If we want to help Affirmative Action, let's remove the 'race' line from the job application.  It's no longer necessary -- unless I'm supposed to be a French-American.  Or German-American.  Hell I don't know what I am.
  • While working at Disney, I met a man -- a white man -- who just moved to Orlando from South Africa to work at the Magic Kingdom.  While talking, he asked me sardonically, "When I get my citizenship, am I African-American?"
  • Rebecca and I need to pick a wedding date.  We've already selected the location -- Jamaica.  Or St. Lucia.  I guess we need to pick that, too.
  • Two more friends of mine have either moved or is about to move out of town.  At this rate, Rebecca and I will have no one left by the time the both of us graduate. 
  • If you've got a screen name on an instant messaging program, I want it.
  • If Jay-Z decides to 'un' retire, you won't see Cristal in his videos.  He's boycotting the 'bubbly' after Frederic Rouzaud, the champagne maker's boss, mentioned in an interview that hip-hop was giving the company "unwelcomed attention."  In a statement, Jay-Z said he would no longer purchase Cristal because Rouzaud was "racist," among other words.
  • Is it really racist?  Maybe culturalist, but not racist, right?  Read the article.  Is hip-hop only black? 
  • It's raining, and it's 2:45 AM.  It's time for bed.


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