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Another Round...

Today, Summer II starts.  Actually, it started last Friday (four days ago), but since I've been in South Dakota, today is my first day. 

I'm taking two classes, and in each one, I've got a PC in front of me.  Nice.  If the professor is dull, I've got an escape. 

Speaking of an escape, I'm not a fan of reality television -- except for one show:  Rock Star.

Last year, VH1 hosted Rock Star: INXS where the band searched for a new lead singer.  Basically, it was the rock version of American Idol, without all the stupid celebrities. 

This year, the band is Supernova.  It's Tommy Lee from Motley Crue, Jason Newsted from Metallica, and Gilby Clarke from Guns 'N Roses forming a supergroup and looking for a lead singer.

It's moved to CBS.  I'm excited.

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