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I Guess We're Next...

Rebecca and I got home this afternoon from our summer vacation.  Of all places, we were in South Dakota -- I never thought I'd have a reason to go.

We attended the wedding of Matt & Diana Evers, and because Rebecca is a childhood friend of Diana's, and my fiancée was a bridesmaid.  The wedding was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and it was great to finally meet so many of Rebecca's friends that I've heard so much about.

This weekend put thoughts in my head about our wedding.  We've never planned to have the traditional wedding in a church with friends and family, but instead have (tentatively) chosen a destination wedding, probably in Jamaica. 

Weddings always bring out the sappy side of me (even though I try not to show it), and this was certainly no different.  I'm so blessed to have found Rebecca.  I told her this afternoon that when I'm with her, I simply have a good time.  Thankfully, I left South Dakota with a stronger love for the woman I plan to marry. 

Diana's father, who's been very ill with cancer, was discharged the evening before the service in order to see his daughter get married.  Afterwards, he'll head back to the hospital to continue treatment, since he's not healthy enough to stay home.  If there was a story to remember, it will be her father gathering the strength to be there for his daughter on the day she's been planning all her life. 

Every day -- more and more -- I realize how lucky I am. 

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