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Clickin' My Heels Together...

This might be a shitty day. 

1.  It's flooding across town.

2.  Because our flight leaves for South Dakota at 7:55 AM, we're staying with a friend in Houston tonight -- but she just backed out on us.

3.  I believe I failed my International Marketing class. 

4.  A friend (who we'll keep nameless) received some shitty news this morning. 

5.  It's not even noon yet. 

The way this day is going, I'm not sure I want to get on a plane.  With my luck, we'll be delayed tomorrow morning, and onces we finally get in the air, we'll crash somewhere like Oklahoma. 

To top it off, we won't die in the crash, no one will know where we went down, and Rebecca and I will have to live among Boomer Sooners for the rest of our lives.

Maybe I need a McFlurry.


EDIT:  Since writing this blog, some things have changed:

1.  The rain has stopped, and since it's so dry around here, the ground soaked up the water.

2. Since we needed to book a hotel room in order to keep us from getting up at 3:30 A.M., I used my Hilton points and booked us a free nights stay.

3.  I got a C in my International Marketing class. 

4.  My friend is mending his shitty news.

5.  It doesn't matter what time it is -- things always work themselves out.

It still would be shitty to be stuck in Oklahoma, though.

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