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Quick Shots...

Whew... after spending nearly four days in South Dakota, I missed a lot in news, sports, etc.  The house we stayed in was a nice home, but unfortunately only had one television, and it wasn't in a place I could gain access. It's not fun to lose touch with society.
  • The Astos lost 3 of 4 to the Cardinals, and Lidge blew (I believe) two games. I can't wait for the second half of the season. Maybe it'll get better.

  • I told you fuckers Italy would win!  I also said the Rockets would select Rudy Gay (but I didn't think they'd trade him).  Start listening to me, bitches!

  • South Dakota has a few hotties; I was impressed -- but they're not Texas women.

  • So North Korea is launching missiles? I'm sure the rednecks are foaming at the mouth hoping 'Ol Dubya will blow 'em up.

  • Last year, Kenny Rogers was at the bottom of the baseball world.  Now, he's the starting pitcher for the American League in the MLB All-Star game.

  • After watching soccer (or futbol), I have to ask if these guys are a bunch of sissys.  When they get tripped up, they roll on the ground putting on the best show for the referees. That gets old.

  • Have you ever heard the accent people have from Minnesota/Wisconsin/the Dakota's?  We stayed with Rebecca's family friends, and one of the guys is a 30-something year old construction worker who rides a Harley, has four dogs, stands about 6'5, and weighs about 240 lbs.  He's big and could easily crush me, but that accent simply doesn't scare me.  It doesn't matter what you look like.  If you have that accent, I'll laugh.

  • If I were to laugh in his face, he'd crush me.  He just wouldn't sound cool doing it.

  • Rebecca commented, after she found out about Ken Lay's death, that he's probably not dead, but used his money to ultimately buy his freedom.  I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I wonder how accurate that is.

  • 18 more credit hours until graduation!

  • Houston is working on city-wide WiFi access. Pretty soon, we'll all be getting rid of RoadRunner, or whatever high speed access you have, and pay the city for internet access.

  • Rebecca and I have talked about moving to Denver -- and it might happen sooner than later.

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