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Deep In My Heart...

Texas is going to be missed; I realize that more and more everyday. While my new home (Denver) will have many perks, there are some that will be tough to replace.

I have family in Houma, Louisiana and my grandmother is currently there visiting. She mentioned they'd like for Rebecca and I to come to Mardi Gras in February.

While I immediately said that'd be a great idea, I realized that in February, I'd probably be snowed into our new apartment in Colorado.

Unless there's a strong cajun influence in Denver, Boulder, or Fort Collins, it appears there will be no Mardi Gras celebration for us. If, by chance, they do have one, it can't be worse than Port Arthur's, can it?

Similarly, Rebecca and I went to the South Texas State Fair last night... and I'm not really sure why.

We didn't ride anything -- we never do. It is nice, though, to walk around and see what food they've decided to put on a stick this year. For the first time, I noticed "stuffed pickles" -- stuffed with ham and cheese.

That sounds a bit disgusting to me. We stuck with the usual Crawfish Etouffee and fresh squeezed lemonade.

Again, Denver has no pistolettes, gumbo (which is supposed to have okra), Creole, or Beignets. I'll have to settle for replacements, like Buffalo Burgers or elk.

People wonder why the population in the deep south is fat. Visit a fair; see if you can resist candy apples and funnel cakes. We eat better than everyone else.

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