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What's A Guy To Do...?

There's a decision to be made in my house that I didn't expect to cause an uproar.

It has.

December 16th is commencement, and from that day forward, the degree will be mine. I, however, seem to have a chosen a different path than those close to me.

I have absolutely no desire to walk at graduation. Being completely honest, I see no reason why I need to attend, at all. Rebecca, on the other hand, feels differently.

When I originally told her my feelings, she argued, calling me selfish and inconsiderate. She said that for all the hard work, I should walk across the stage. My parents agreed with Rebecca, but mentioned they would support whatever decision I made. My grandmother, on the other hand, is the only reason I'm reconsidering.

Personally, I don't need to sit in the Montagne Center at 9:30 AM and listen to an executive of a major corporation tell me, in general terms, what's ahead of me in life, or how to unlock my potential. This isn't high school; I haven't been with my fellow graduates for most of my life. As a matter of fact, I've been a Business major for two years; I barely know these people!

The downside (and what actually makes me feel selfish) is that my cousin is graduating with me. On that particular side of the family, he and I will be the first to graduate college, and it happens on the same day. My family will be there anyway, and my grandmother smiles with pride.

Maybe I could talk my cousin out of walking? Not a chance -- his parents have threatened his life. He's walking across the stage.

I don't need to hear my name called in front of 6,000 people to know I've earned my diploma. There's no need for my family to be up early on a Saturday morning to sit through an hour of bullshit hurrah and mindless ceremony. That's not saying it's not worthwhile for some people, because some enjoy the pomp and circumstance, but not me. Let's go to dinner instead, or have family and friends meet to celebrate.

I don't need the ego boost.

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