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Chuggin' Along...

School is kicking my ass. It's my last semester -- it's not supposed to be easy.

When I registered for classes last March, I thought two long days (Tuesday/Thursday) and a one-hour business lab on Wednesday would give me ample study time, even with a full time job. What I didn't realize is that most of my classes are capstone courses, meaning very little new knowledge is acquired. A large majority of the work is quantifying numbers and developing promotional plans.

Case-in-point: I've been attending classes over two months and have taken one test, and that particular test was the only exam in the course.

I'm certainly not complaining, especially when I'm so close to the end, and luckily I am much more comfortable with numbers than I was six weeks ago.

December 16th -- I need to keep that date in mind. After that, all the work will be worth it.


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