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Am I Really Speechless...?

So I have had this overwhelming desire to blog recently, problem is, I have a major case of writers block.

I used to follow current events much more than I do today, but I find myself getting irritated at the bickering. It's always been there, but for some reason, it didn't bother me until recently. Politics used to give me much to write about, but that hasn't been the case lately.

Even the recent move to Denver has been a bit uneventful. As I click the weather report, it's currently -1 degree, and believe me, it doesn't get much warmer during the day. The high tomorrow is 9. That's a single digit -- 9.

I'm not going to insult your intelligence and tell you it isn't cold, because by God it is cold, but it's not the same type of cold I experienced in Texas. Somehow or another, 30 degrees with humidity feels colder than this. I don't actually mind being outside in this weather... the difference is that the icy road conditions make it difficult to go anywhere. Most people stay home.

So now that the apartment is put together, the job hunt would be the next logical step. I have a meeting with the Proprietor at the Carrabba's located in Aurora Sunday afternoon, and hopefully I'll be with them until I can either get a decision from Smith Barney or find something else. Believe me, nothing will motivate me to find a job more than working in the evening and going back to waiting tables. Bartending is great, but carrying food has run it's course.

In a city where the unemployment rate is 4%, I shouldn't have a difficult time find a good career. Let's see how picky I'll be.

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