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Closing Time...

Today was a good day.

While I've been working my new job with Continental Television Sales, my two-week notice for Carrabba's finally ended tonight -- on Valentine's Day.

After nearly eight years in the restaurant business, I'm finally finished.

While I appreciate everything it's brought to my life, it'll be nice to get away from late nights and weekends. I'll be able to watch Grey's Anatomy live, or take a weekend trip to the mountains without having to be home for Sunday lunch at the restaurant.

I've always believed life comes in three phases: (1) growth, (2) maturity, and (3) retirement. I'm leaving the growth stage, and beginning the 'real' maturation process. No more school, internships, or jobs that get me by. It's time for the good stuff, and actually having the time to enjoy life.

Living in Denver can only expedite the process. The options here are endless with a positive job outlook, mountains to play in, and culture to learn.

Tonight was truly a good night, knowing that the moment I've been waiting for has finally arrive -- working 8:00 - 5:00 with endless opportunity.

To celebrate, I lie in bed next to a beautiful sleeping woman, with a Sam Adams Winter Lager in my hand and Van Morrison on my iPod. Again, life is good.

And for my birthday, Rebecca bought me tickets to the Astros vs. Rockies series at Coors Field.

I can't wait to marry her.

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