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New To The Business...

I'm going to enjoy the advertising business. Or the sales business.

How about advertising sales?

Or maybe advertising agent?

It's more like advertising sales assistant.

My boss brokers the deal, I simply put it through. Although "simply" doesn't appear to be the appropriate word.

Actually getting the opportunity to work behind the scenes and gain knowledge of how the business works is fascinating. When a company wants to advertise their product in a _ number of markets within the United States, the contact a company to broker that deal. We, then, contact the stations in the selected markets and negotiate the best deal.

Little things that never mattered, like when your local ABC station decides to stop running "Everybody Loves Raymond" after the 6:00 P.M. newscast, and replace it with Seinfeld, I have to be in contact with the advertisers and confirm the swap is feasible.

Fun stuff.

Really, though, it's entry level (which is what I expected), and will offer great experience in the business. My boss is phenomenal, and will be excellent to work for. I expect he'll teach me much about the business, since he's been doing it for years, and clearly loves his job.

It's exciting to think that I'll finally be able to put the restaurant business aside. While it's treated me better than I could have imagined, introduced me to wonderful people, and given me experiences and friends that will last a lifetime, it's time for the next stage in my life.

Instead of my work beginning at 6:00 P.M., my day starts at 6:00 A.M. That will take a bit of getting used to, but I welcome the change.

Finally, I can sit at home on Thursday nights and watch Grey's Anatomy!

And don't laugh -- now that I'm in the business, I can see the demographics, and Grey's Anatomy has a healthy number of male viewers.

It must be because of my sweet baby Dr. Callie Torres!


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