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To Own Or Not To Own...

Rebecca's great in the fashion business. She truly seems to enjoy it, and it shows in her style and in her attitude.

Since I'd like to have my own business, Smash and I discussed the possibility of owning a boutique of our own. It'd be a business she can run, have fun with, and make money for us -- not someone else.

Last night, the conversation took a turn and the possibility has become more serious.

She isn't thrilled with the boutiques in Denver, and when you leave Texas, you learn that people aren't as colorful in their wardrobe. We've actually nicknamed the young crowd as the "Black Coat Mafia," because they seem to wear three colors: black, white, and gray. Sometimes dark blue.

Do people like neutral colors, or is it because of lack of options? That's something we'd have to decide with market research, if we chose to pursue the idea.

Cherry Creek has roughly five boutiques in the shopping district, with another opening soon, which is very confined. Is the market flooded already?

How would we get the capital? As a matter of fact, how much capital is needed?

There are lots of questions to be answered before we can even begin to get the project off the ground.

Another consideration is whether or not Rebecca needs to finish school. She doesn't want to wait until she's 35 to open a boutique, and she's tired of making money for someone else.

And we've yet to meet an owner who has a degree.

It's a big decision, especially since Rebecca will accumulate more than $60,000 worth of student loans while attending The Art Institute of Colorado.

Are we truly ready to begin such a long process?

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