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Make Up Your Mind...

If you believe in something, you and I may not agree, but as long as you have an educated base that isn't trivialized and actually follow through with your conviction, I will respect you.

On the other hand, if you don't seem to make sense, you get made fun of.

While I love eating meat, I understand that not everyone feels the same. People that choose to be a vegetarian because of the health effects, or some other logical reason, can be appreciated. I have never, however, understood how someone can claim to be a vegetarian because they do not want to see harm to animals, yet not be vegan.

I met a woman who claims to love animals, therefore, doesn't eat meat. I asked why she chose not to 'go all the way', and she said, "if I can afford it, I would." Apparently buying clothes, hair products, etc. that hasn't been tested on animals isn't cheap.


If you believed in it, you support it.

Fuckin' hippies.

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