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The Fat Lady Has Sung...

It's over. Did anyone else waste almost four minutes of their life with this shit?

And to explain the title, I don't think Britney is fat, but there had to be better wardrobes than what she chose to wear on stage. Apparently she hasn't recovered from the birth of her two precious "accessories" she totes around.

I was watching the Cowboys game, but because of the hype, I felt the need to see how my (one time) future baby-mamma performed. I expected a major comeback performance that would signify her return to glory.

Instead, I was treated to a lazy and unenthusiastic lip-syncing snoozer.

Surely MTV didn't waste my time?

There was a day when everything MTV did was fresh, cool, innovative, and - most importantly - entertaining! As Justin Timberlake said, "nobody likes to be reminded they're getting old," but it looks like I've officially left the younger generation.

As a matter of fact, the entire award show was terrible -- well, the very little I saw. During stops of the football game, I would switch to MTV, only to find another of their numerous commercial breaks. When the award show was actually airing, it was shitty audio in a hotel room with Dave Groehl yelling into a microphone.

Why are all these musicians yelling in their music now?

Damn it, I'm sounding like a grumpy old man, but I guarantee Brit's new song won't be on MiPod!

Justin Timberlake's right: MTV needs more music videos.

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