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Why Not Have Season Tickets...?

Working in sports ticket sales, I've learned that ticket prices aren't the enemy -- Ticketmaster is the enemy.

You buy a $25 ticket, your hammered with $8 - $10 in fees, per ticket. Now, a family of four pays $140 instead of the face value of $100.

I've said recently, that if I'm going to sporting events, I'm buying a package from the team.

So tonight I was thinking, why am I not a ticket holder for the Rockies?

I don't need an entire 81 games, but something that'll get me to the ballpark a few times a month. Why not? That way, when the playoffs roll around, I'm not a part of the Rockies inability to handle order processing.

Onto other things. Here are a few notes of interest:
  • If you watched the ceremony to begin Game 3 of the World Series in Denver, you saw Carrie Underwood sang the National Anthem. It's become tradition to include a fly-by from the Air Force before major sporting events, but I noticed there wasn't one tonight. Being literally 67 miles from the Air Force Academy, it didn't make any sense.

    Until there was a fly-by.

    Here's how it works: the team's Game Operations department coordinates with the Academy at precisely what time the fly-by should commence. The anthem singer prepares her timing, and usually the jets fly over during the line "and the land of the free..." *fly-by* "...and the home of the brave." Anthem finished.

    Someone screwed up tonight. Because I live a few blocks away from the ballpark, we hear the fireworks, see the lights, etc. The fly-by happened during the first commercial break. Keep in mind, there's also a 10-second television delay.
  • Anyone want to explain to me how Texas found their running game? Oh yeah... they played Nebraska.
  • I hate when people pick on the MLS, so I commented.
  • Astros fans hate the trade that sent Willy Taveras to the Rockies. For Game 3, Willy was benched. Jason Jennings may have been a bust, but it wasn't as lopsided as the Jeff Bagwell/Larry Andersen deal.
  • Matt Holiday is a stud, and when his current contract expires, he's gonna get paid... and leave Denver.

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If you want to split the cost of a small-ish season ticket package for next year, let me know.

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