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Verizon Sucks...

Nate needed to stop by the Verizon Wireless store in the Cherry Creek Mall to have his Motorola Q looked at.

As we walked in, no one said a word. Finally a man said, "you gentleman need to sign in."

The picture clearly shows how busy the store is.

Talk about service! I felt like I was at the DMV. Sign in, huh?

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Oh man i know exactly how you feel on this one. Verizon is pretty hit or miss. Either you get that service or they try to sell you a $500 phone, 2 backup batteries, a phone charger, an over priced memory card for the phone and 500 shares of verizon stock. I went to mcdonalds and got some shit service the other day. they got my order wrong when everyone in my car clearly heard my order. i drive back through because i just refuse to eat something i dont like/order. the lady wants to argue with me over what she thought i said. im just thinking "what the fuck do you care? its not coming out of your pocket. why dont you just try and fix an unhappy customer." but of course i dont say that. i guess thats what customer service is coming to now days. people just dont give a shit as long as they get their $5.75 an hour or whatever it is now.

In regards to Mcdonalds, it isn't that they don't give a shit as long as they get their $5.75 an hour, it is that they don't give a shit because they only make $5.75 an hour.
After I was done at Verizon, I thought they had fixed my problem and a new phone was in the mail. Rather they sent me a refurbished phone with scratches in it. WTF? They are all or nothing. Perhaps the fact that I was dressed like a douche that day didn't help their motivation for helping me.
And Derrick you wouldn't like Verizon if they were the last company on earth..

I have to agree with anonymous on the $5.75 thing. And with you, Rickey, that she should have just shut up about it and got you the right food.

We all worked together waiting tables, and you know that if they weren't working for tips, most all of our coworkers with no work ethic would have given horrible service.

It's general work ethic that has taken a dive, not just customer service.

Wow, we might as well be talking to our grandkids about "kids today".

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